Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Candle Light Vigil in Memory of Saad Khan

A group of Concerned Citizens of Pakistan and Friends of Saad Khan are holding a Candle Light Vigil

Date: Friday, September 11, 2009
Location: Shahi Chowk, Karachi (opposite Park Towers) – Google Map
RSVP on Facebook Event: 1st Vigil / protest in memory of Saad Khan
What to Bring: Please bring along a candle, a lighter or a diya and light it in Saad Khan’s memory

We invite everyone to join hands in protesting against the gross show of corporate irresponsibility that claimed the life of Saad Khan. The vigil is being held to resist Unilever, MindShare & Seemi Productions’s callous discriminatory attitude towards the citizens of Pakistan by neglecting mandatory safety and security measures to the contestants of the Clear Men Reality Show which was being shot in Bangkok.

The lack of professional lifeguards on location, absence of medics on spot and other such important factors led to the tragic death of Saad Khan. This is corporate manslaughter. Large MNC’s like Unilever & MindShare cannot get away with such gross negligence in any other civilized country.

Justice delayed is justice denied – all information on Saad Khan’s death should be made public with a formal apology on this act of negligence. These Corporate entities MUST accept full responsibility of the bad arrangements that led to Saad’s tragic and untimely death.

Let’s join our hands together and raise a unified voice against Unilever, MindShare & Seemi Production’s irresponsible, discriminatory and callous attitude. Join in creating awareness about our rights and save many Saad Khans from falling victim to corporate callousness.

Help spread the word and please bring along a candle, a lighter or a diya and light it in Saad Khan’s memory

this message is for public invitation for the Candle light Vigil in the memory of SAAD KHAN.

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