Tuesday, August 11, 2009

SPORTS: Steyn’s dope test proved positive

CAPE TOWN: Dope test of South Africa's fast bowler Dale Steyn, taken during the IPL has now been proved positive.

Team manager defended fast bowler Dale Steyn on Tuesday, saying the player had shown elevated levels of morphine in a random drugs test in April because of medication he was taking for migraines.

"This is not a doping offence," Mohammed Moosajee, the team's manager and doctor, said after the Indian Premier League (IPL) contacted Steyn about a test carried out while the world's number one test bowler was playing in the league.

"This is not a failed drugs test, this is an adverse analytical finding, which is a different matter.

"Dale had been suffering from chronic migraines and had been taking painkillers called Myprodol which contain codeine and resulted in a higher-than-normal level of morphine in his urine test."

Moosajee expected the "routine matter" to be cleared up quickly.

"The IPL asked Dale to write a letter explaining what medication he took, for what reason and in what dosage, which he did last week," Moosajee said.

"He was careful to consult with Evan Speechley, the Bangalore Royal Challengers (team) physiotherapist, and he kept a record of all the medication that he took.

"We have absolutely no doubt that his explanation will satisfy the IPL."

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