Monday, August 3, 2009

Pakistan to send list of Afghan terror camps to Kabul

ISLAMABAD: Highly placed Interior Ministry sources told DawnNews that action has been taken byIslamabad following a statement by the Afghan Interior Minister that the Afghan President did not admit that there existed militant training camps inAfghanistan.

The source said lists of suspected camps have been prepared and would be handed over toKabul within twenty four hours.

The lists also contain information about Indian involvement in such activities on Afghan soil against Pakistan.

Talking to DawnNews, Interior Minister Rehman Malik strongly refuted the statement of his Afghan counter-part. Rehman Malik said that during his meeting with Hamid Karzai two weeks ago, he did discuss terrorist camps, and the Afghan President assured him that action would be taken.

Pakistan has prapared lists of terrorist training camp being operated from Afghan soil for carrying out terrorist activities in Pakistan.

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