Monday, August 17, 2009

Pakistan militants planning new attacks: Manmohan

NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said Monday that militants in Pakistan were plotting new attacks in India as he urged security forces to stay on high alert.

‘There is credible information of ongoing plans of terrorist groups in Pakistan to carry out fresh attacks,’ Singh told a summit on internal security attended by the chief ministers from India’s states.

‘After the Mumbai attacks, we have put in place additional measures. There is need for continued utmost vigilance,’ Singh added.

There was no immediate comment from Pakistani officials.

India has boosted its security to prevent assaults after the attacks in the country’s financial capital Mumbai last November, in which gunmen killed 166 people.

‘All states need to actively share intelligence information to avert any terror attack,’ he said.

India accuses Pakistan of arming and training cross-border militants in Muslim-majorityKashmir — a charge Islamabad vehemently denies.

Singh said cross-border terrorism remained a ‘most pervasive’ threat.

‘In dealing with the terrorist challenge, we need to be prepared for encountering more sophisticated technologies and enhanced capabilities. We also need to guard our sea frontier as vigilantly as our land border,’ he said.

The two nuclear-armed countries have fought three wars since independence in 1947 and came dangerously close to a fourth following an attack on the Indian parliament in 2001 by militants New Delhi said came from Pakistan. — AFP

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