BEJI: Asian terror suspect Noordin Mohammed Top was killed during a raid on his hideout by heavily armed counter-terrorism police in Indonesia on Saturday, Metro TV reported.
The television station did not disclose its sources and police have not confirmed the report.
Two body bags were seen being taken from the rural house in Central Java following a 17-hour siege involving repeated police gunfire and explosions.
Police surrounded the house in rural Central Java at 4:00 pm (on Friday after arresting two people at a nearby market who were reported to be relatives of the tenant of the property.
The end of the operation came after the arrests of Noordin accomplices in Jakarta and the death of two men recruited to be suicide bombers for his network during a raid on their safe house outside the capital, police said.
The two would-be bombers, accused of involvement in the 2004 attack on the Australian embassy in Jakarta which killed 10 people, were shot dead by police as they prepared to throw home-made bombs during the raid early Saturday.
Malaysian Islamist Noordin is one of Asia’s most-wanted terror suspects and is accused of multiple attacks in Indonesia since 2003 which have killed around 50 people, including last month’s suicide blasts at luxury hotels in Jakarta. —AFP
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