Thursday, July 30, 2009

IMF discussing boosting Pakistan credit

WASHINGTON: The International Monetary Fund said Thursday it is considering an increase for an aid package for Pakistan agreed on last November.

‘I can confirm an augmentation is under consideration,’ IMF spokeswoman Caroline Atkinson told journalists in response to questions on reports that Pakistan had requested an additional four billion dollars.

‘We do expect it to go to the (executive) board next Friday, August 7,’ she added.

‘The amount will be finally determined at that time by the executive board.’

Last year, the IMF approved a 23-month loan of 7.6 billion dollars, of which four billion has already been disbursed, as part of a program to help the South Asian nation weather the global crisis.

The IMF has increased credit lines in recent months to other countries including Belarus and Armenia, saying the impact of the global crisis was worse than expected.

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